I live life through my camera lens. I see a crisp sky and think, "Wow God really focused the sky today." Photography became my greatest hobby when with four young kids, I needed a creative outlet. I love to go crazy with fun ideas, and I love playful photoshoots. The best shots are of kids just being kids. This blog showcases my latest projects, if ya want to join me, a 1-2 hour session fee is $40. All images are copyright Hidden Sage Photography.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I have a new blog!!!! Visit my new work at www.hiddensage.com

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A special day for "E"

We skate with "E" and last week they chose me to share a portion of her big day! I love that I was able to learn about her day, and spending time with a warm and inviting family.