I live life through my camera lens. I see a crisp sky and think, "Wow God really focused the sky today." Photography became my greatest hobby when with four young kids, I needed a creative outlet. I love to go crazy with fun ideas, and I love playful photoshoots. The best shots are of kids just being kids. This blog showcases my latest projects, if ya want to join me, a 1-2 hour session fee is $40. All images are copyright Hidden Sage Photography.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Little Old Woman

I have been the Little Old Woman who lived in a shoe with so many kids, yada yada yada. It has been a {party} but a busy one. ;) It's amazing how organized you can be if ya work at it. I've discovered kids will do homework afterschool if steaming hot gooey brownies are staring at them, (right next to the jar of sharpened pencils).

This sweet girl is one of the twins that stayed with me, she has so much character in her little 3 year old self, and a giggle to melt anyone. Many a time I'd catch her dancing in the piano room singing, "I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream." I look forward to formally photographing the twins, and their family.

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