I live life through my camera lens. I see a crisp sky and think, "Wow God really focused the sky today." Photography became my greatest hobby when with four young kids, I needed a creative outlet. I love to go crazy with fun ideas, and I love playful photoshoots. The best shots are of kids just being kids. This blog showcases my latest projects, if ya want to join me, a 1-2 hour session fee is $40. All images are copyright Hidden Sage Photography.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

RoyzGirlz - 5/52 {Project 52}

My inlaws celebrated their 50th Anniversary by taking their family to Walt Disney World. Here they are at their Thanksgiving Dinner.

Two years ago I erased over 600 Disneyland pictures. We bought a compact camera so I wouldn't have to pack my camera around, {well we actually purchased it twice because the week before our trip, Roy put it in his back pocket at scout camp and sat on it}. Then after spending 3 days at Disneyland I formatted the disk. All my magical pictures drifted off to never{happened}land. The next picture is the first one of the rest of our trip. I think my kids felt so bad for me that they didn't dare get mad at me for erasing their princess pictures.

Sooooo, when we were planning our princess day, Raquel firmly said, "Don't erase the pictures!" I made an appointment at the Bibbiddi Bobbiddi Boutique, but then decided I could do the updo's and save $50 a princess, after 3 1/2 years of ice skating and dance competitions and performances, surely I could handle Cinderella's Ball.

There are moments that I call {serene}, moments where getting the camera out doesn't even cross my mind - I found one of those moments just before we landed back in Salt Lake. The sky was overcast and as we flew across the cottony moonlit clouds, endless pillows of soft blue glowing majestically, I found heaven. I am grateful to find heaven here, to be a part of an eternal family, for time, for touch, for love.

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